Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I decided to get rid of Facebook for a little while. I'm not sure it'll be so long, because I appreciate it has it's uses. When you're far away from home, like I am, it's tempting to spend your time "catching up" on whatever everyone else is doing... I'm away but I don't necessarily want to miss out on anything. That's the choice I made when I left, though, I chose to miss out on things back home, in exchange for whatever here could offer me.

Coming to the Czech Republic was a fast decision, there was a catalyst. I've just found out I can only legally be here three months (I thought it was six) and reading those words made my heart sink: for me, because I want to be here longer. I'm going to look into applying for the youth visa which gives me 12 months here. I want to see Prague covered in snow and I want to see her flirting with blossoms.

I'm enjoying the time to be still and to process this last year. My mind keeps drifting back to India. It was the most abrasive place I've ever traveled to. I posted about my first thoughts and feelings towards India here. I went to the World Press Photography Exhibition in Prague and I stood in the gallery casually hurrying away tears. There was a photo of someone who had been killed in Haiti and it just made everything that happened in Christchurch a little too real for me. At the bottom of that sadness I found inspiration. I want to learn to be a better photographer so I can tell the stories of those who can't tell their own.

My camera's in the store being fixed. I still feel a little lost without it.


Emily said...

Your photos are fantastic and I think they already tell stories - I'm excited for you to get your camera back. I loved reading about India. It is a place I would love to visit, but honestly don't know a whole lot about.

Unknown said...

Izy - you can't apply for an Au Pair visa? That's what I had when I was an Au Pair in Germany! I'm not sure how the Czech Republic works, but in DE all I had to do was go down to the government building with one of the parents I worked for with a photo of me, we filled out paperwork and they inserted something in my passport and that was that! Definitely check up on that.

<3 Daryl
Roots, Wings, and Other Things.

Unknown said...

And If all else fails, all you need to do is be away from CZ for two weeks before you can go back in on a 3 month tourist visa.